[A.S.H.]Clan members


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Our Clan


Our Clan
We are all Big wolfenstein Fans
 from all over the world united by the game.
*U.S.A. 11 Members*
*Netherlands 5 Members*
 *U.K 2 Member*..
*Belguim 2 Members*
 *Canada 1 Member*
Germany 1 Member*
We All love the game a lot,
And chat a lot about it on msn and icq..
And we have become a great group of internet wolfenstein friends..
who are always in for a joke...
Our Goal
Our goal is to go Clan wars
 against other Return to castle wolfenstein clans...
And to expand our clan...
And offcours to have fun....
We are
 looking for new members...
Are you good in rtcw multiplayer..
and are you a real teamplayer....
Please Contact us.....
on our
becomming a member
[A.S.H.]Our Members[A.S.H.]
[A.S.H.]Alpha Squad European
[A.S.H.]Bravo Squad U.S.A./ Canada
Clan Capt.


[A.S.H.]Alpha Squad[A.S.H.]
[A.S.H.]Superman *
[A.S.H.]Captain America
[A.S.H.]Valkyrie *
][ = Clan Capt.
= Clan Lt.
MW = Minister of War
* = mia


[A.S.H.]Bravo Squad[A.S.H.]
[A.S.H.]Dare Devil
[A.S.H.]Colossus *
[A.S.H.]Bishop *
[A.S.H.]Blackpanther *
[A.S.H.]Prowler *

Clan Rules

The following rules are not open for discusion...
if u dont like them then u dont have to be in our clan......
U can leave whenever u want to......but i hate to see anyone go....
If u do not hold on to these rules u will be warned by other members and 3 strikes and ur outta here......

Clan Capt.
Clan Lt's.
Alpha [A.S.H.]Silversurfer]Bravo [A.S.H.]Wolverine]


1] Always remember its just a game..we play it for fun.......

2] If someone challanges you/us send them to our site, and let them leave a
Message. on our forum

3] Always go for the team not for the points..u dont win the game by your self..

4] Dont talk about politics or God, leave that to the people who get paid
for that.

5] Dont insult other players by telling them they suck, be respectfull and
Friendly we dont want a bad name.

6] Medics ALWAYS go for the wounded...And always give cover to the medics and
Flamer/panzer/venom soldiers

7] Lt's always give ammo to the people who need it..Giving ammo is better then one airstrike...

8] Dont talk to seriously...Its just a game

9] Talk or leave a message in english..think of our foreign members...lol

10] Always be on same side,if not possible then move the sec you can..

11] If 2 clan members disagree with each other settle it on msn and not in
public..we are a team...

12] Be Loyal to our clan no matter what..

13] All new members,get one week to try out..their name is in white not in clancolors after the
week if they still wanna join, and we want them to join.then their name is changed into our clan colors..And the get our clan...
secrets and tactics.....

14] Only Ironman-Wolverine-SilverSurfer(if 2 of the 3 agree,or all 3) Can take on new members. After they spectated,And have
talked to them..All members of [A.S.H.] Can bring new Wannabie's(for lack of a better word) To their attention..And invite
them to be spectated by Ironman-Wolverine-SilverSurfer...Only the members of our member list are REAL [A.S.H.] members...

15] Dont fight under ur old name..Only under ur clan name.....

16] Visit our home page at least once a week, to keep updated..And look at our agenda, for clan meetings and in the future
clan wars....

17] Clanmembers plse tell (ironman-wolverine-SilverSurfer) if u go on holiday or something like that..If the clan doesnt hear or
see u in 4 monthes u are no longer member of our clan. So remember to contact us..
18)No cheating of whatever kind..




Becomming a Member

[A.S.H.]Clan members


Wallpaper / Tricks

Maps And Mods



Contact us



[A.S.H.]Clan home page[A.S.H.]